
New rates


As a producer or importer, you are required to demonstrate that you are achieving the recycling target (see hereunder for full details) for commercial packaging. This is difficult to prove individually. You know what you put on the Belgian market, but not always what happens to it afterwards. That is why you have become a customer of Valipac.

Until recently, it was sufficient to help our customers achieve their recycling targets by registering the commercial packaging they put on the Belgian market and the commercial packaging waste collected and recycled by our collectors.

Higher expectations

But the world and the government’s expectations are changing. Today, it is no longer enough to achieve recycling percentages for packaging. We need to trace all the destinations of packaging waste and verify its effective recycling.
To meet these expectations, we need to obtain more and different information from the companies that trade your packaging waste with recycling companies around the world. We also need to set up an audit programme on site to verify that the waste is effectively recycled.
In addition, we need to continue to focus on even more selective collection and local recycling. Therefore, we will continue to encourage recycling within Europe.

New rates

These additional tasks require us to adjust our rates for the first time in 20 years.
The rates below apply from 2022 and will be applied for the first time when we invoice the advance payment together with the 2021 statement.

  • Recyclable materials (excluding plastic): €17/tonne
  • Recyclable plastics: €53/tonne
  • Non-recyclable materials: €80/tonne

The following recycling targets apply for 2021:

  • paper/cardboard, metal & glass: 90%
  • wood: 80%
  • plastic: 50%


Do not hesitate to contact us at 02/456.83.10 or administration@valipac.be.